Happy World Ocean's Day!

Happy World Ocean's Day!

Happy World Oceans Day! We’re embracing the wave and celebrating by dipping into our interview with one of our partners: EARTHDAY.ORG. This year they’re focusing on plastics and the oceans. Our collaboration resulted in the launch of our CLEAN RESERVE H2EAU Collection, a water-inspired, water-based line of new fragrances that is long-lasting, gentle and hydrating. (Sold in recyclable packaging, made with the highest quality sustainably and ethically sourced ingredients of course!) We aim to work with EARTHDAY.ORG to highlight the critical importance of protecting our oceans and reducing plastic pollution through innovative initiatives and public engagement. So, let’s dive in!

CBC: Earth Day started in the 70s. What has been the greatest achievement of the movement/day/organization so far?

EDO: The greatest achievements would be the formation of the EPA, the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act. However, these were outcomes that primarily stemmed from the first Earth Day. Our Great Global Cleanup initiative has been able to remove 160 million lbs. of trash. The Canopy Project has helped plant tens of millions of trees across the globe.

CBC: We are partnering with you on your Protect the Ocean campaign through the launch of our new collection CLEAN RESERVE H2EAU. How does your 2024 initiative for Planet vs. Plastic support the goal of protecting our oceans?

EDO: Plastics are among the greatest threats to our oceans' health. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by weight if nothing changes. Through Planet Vs Plastics, we are calling for a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040 with the ultimate goal of eliminating all unnecessary plastics from our civilization. In the meantime, we will continue cleaning up but we are advocating for changes that will lead to a future where we no longer need to continually clean up our beaches and oceans. 

We have activated 15 million volunteers since the GGC started in 2019. Going into our 5th anniversary, we continue to activate people to join the environmental movement through cleanups as a method to remove trash from the environment, protect their community, and create long-term activists aimed at stopping pollution at its source. As important as it is to clean up, we must reduce plastic production to stop trash from ending up in the environment in the first place.

CBC: What has been the biggest issue caused by plastic in today's environment?

EDO: The largest issue caused by plastic is its ability to get everywhere. Plastic never truly breaks down, and because of this, it is found from the deepest trenches in our oceans to the peaks of our tallest mountains, and everywhere in between. This also means plastics are inside of you and everyone you know, including pets and the creatures we share our planet with. 

Plastics and their additive chemicals cause health issues including but not limited to increased cancer rates, decreased fertility, and neurological issues.

CBC: Hawaii is a major focus this year. How has plastic affected Hawaii and other islands the most?

EDO: Hawaii is home to some of this planet's most beautiful natural spaces, but it is also home to some of the most polluted beaches on Earth. Hawaii is not only impacted by the pollution caused by the proliferation of single-use plastics on the islands but also the plastic pollution that makes its way there from all over the Pacific due to its proximity to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This monumental patch of trash is over 1,600,000 square kilometers, about twice as large as Texas and three times as large as France. While most of us have heard of the Pacific garbage patch (also known as gyres), there are also similar patches found in every ocean on the planet, and islands end up caught in the middle of this crisis.


CBC: What would you say is the easiest action item everyone can take to help reduce the use of plastic?

EDO: Join the GGC and advocate for a zero-waste lifestyle for yourself and for your community! 

Run a plastic audit of your house and take a log of what plastic you are using every day. It is impossible to make adjustments without knowing where you are using the most amount of plastic. It could be the constant use of saran wrap on food that reusable alternatives could easily replace. Find the most common plastic you’re tossing out and find a more sustainable alternative. 

Pay attention to where you are buying your clothes and what they are made of. Many do not realize that synthetic fibers are plastic, and they tend to be some of the most harmful because of the shedding of fibers they do into our air and waterways once washed. Opt for natural fibers and avoid shops that exclusively sell “fast fashion” that is often made of the cheapest and most harmful materials. 

Reuse, reuse, reuse. It’s constantly mentioned by environmentalists and those looking to cut back where they can because it is one of the most important things an individual can do. Opt for stainless steel or glass water bottles and food containers. Bonus: you will save money not constantly purchasing single-use bottles of water. 

Push for local legislation that cuts down on plastic. Cigarette and plastic bag bans in certain areas are extremely effective in cutting down environmental waste. Attend that local town hall or council meeting and speak to your representatives on how small actions such as those can lead to a lesser need for waste management, increase the appeal of public parks, and even reduce healthcare costs that are associated with plastic and their added chemicals.

CBC: Any final message/word you'd like to give about Earth Day and this year's mission?

EDO: Our vision for a plastic-free world is within reach, but it requires bold action and unwavering determination. We must set ambitious targets, such as the elimination of single-use plastics and the phasing out of harmful chemicals to protect human health. Together we can end the pandemic of plastic pollution. Through collaboration and perseverance, we can turn this vision into reality.

 Our goal is to ultimately create a waste-free world for everyone.

We’re thankful to be surrounded by people and organizations that inspire change and focus on bettering our world for everyone. As summer starts scorching into full swing and we start staying cool by the pool,  the lake, or the ocean. It’s important to remember that we have a responsibility. However you are able to commit and help out, making conscious choices that benefit our planet is the best way to celebrate this day. Together, we can create a cleaner, healthier world for future generations.