In this new series, we glimpse at the imagination of our fragrance creators to learn about their inspiring vision for each perfume.
Name: Steven Claisse, Senior Perfumer at Takasago, a fragrance house.
Fragrance: CLEAN RESERVE Warm Cotton
Inspiration: "I was inspired by a feeling of the deepest comfort and ultimate coziness. Something irresistibly fresh and inviting, like crisp laundered linens."
Which sustainable ingredient did you choose? "Benzoin, which offers a distinctively inviting quality. Much care goes into the extraction of this precious organic resin, found in Laos, Southeast Asia. Incisions are made in the bark of trees and the resin produced is harvested. Our perfumers partner with local harvesters to protect the environment."
Who was your muse? "Someone who makes a statement with their beautiful, effortless simplicity."