These days, everything comes with way too much packaging. We have all ordered that one small item, only to receive it in a medium to a large box filled with peanuts or those plastic air bags, and have wondered why the company wasted so much plastic and packaging. You try to think of a way to reuse the packaging so it's not a total loss or hope it can be put in the recycle bin. That's why it is everyone's duty when they go shopping for a brand or item to think about the packaging it comes in. Is it sustainable? Will you be able to recycle it later? Were any of the pieces made with recycled items or materials? We think about these questions constantly.
You feel better when you make a purchase that is better for yourself and the environment. That is why all pieces, from our packaging outside to the ingredients inside, reduce our environmental impact as much as possible. They say it's not what's on the outside that matters, but in this case, we think what's on the outside is pretty important, and we do our best when it comes to packaging and our environmental impact.
The Packaging
You might not think about the packaging when you look for an item. It's mostly the ingredients that go on your skin you worry about. But take a second to think about the last time you opened a fragrance or skin care product. There was the box it came in. Maybe the item itself was wrapped in another little box or cardboard protector. Then, there is usually some sort of packaging around the cap or top. That's a lot for one item. That is why making sure every piece is recyclable is absolutely our goal.
For the box, it's as simple as putting it in your normal recycling bin. If you don't have recycling pickup for your home, check with your local school, church or library, as they usually have bins for most recyclable items.
Our fragrances do come with a bit of cellophane. But before you growl at that - it is made of corn, and it goes in the compost bin. See? We thought of every step to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
The Bottle
We can all agree that glass bottles are the coolest. When you see a nice glass bottle, the kind that has just the right heft and weight to it, you automatically start thinking about what you can use it for. That is amazing — because that is how we designed our bottles.
Once you are done enjoying the fragrance, you can go a few ways with it. You could refill the bottle with another fragrance or scent and keep using it. Turn it into a room or car spray, and keep the bottle going. Or you could take out the pump, and after a good rinse, use the chic glass bottle in any way you can imagine. Need a bottle for your hair oil? Now you have one. Need a glass bottle for your homemade face serum? There is no better one than ours. Now, if you are blessed and do not need another glass bottle, you can recycle ours by following your city's guidelines.
Other Packaging Parts
Want to know how far we will go? The cap is made from sustainable wood right from Spain. The paper we print on is FSC-certified, and the place where we manufacture everything is a solar-powered facility. We even make sure the ink is non-toxic and water-based.
From the box to the inside packaging to the bottles themselves, we made sure our environmental impact after each purchase could be as little as possible, with every piece either being able to be recycled or given new life. We seek out ways to be more eco-friendly and environmentally conscious and want our customers to feel empowered to continue that process.